Copyright 2022
You can use any or all of the content on this website for any reason you want, except to sell my original work, or otherwise make money off of it.
If you want to make pdfs and send them to all your friends, that's wonderful. If you want to take pictures and send them to Vladimir Putin, I'm OK with that. If you want to print 5,000,000 copies and put them in every nightstand in every hotel in America, you knock yourself out (as long as you don't charge any money for them). If you want to sell any of my original work, you need to negotiate with me first.
Of note, "selling," in this context, includes barter: i.e. receiving anything in exchange for my original work. This includes, but is not limited to; money, precious metals, crypto, NFTs, seashells, stock, sheep, goats, cows, a night with your mom, whatever.
On second thought, if you want to sell this content for a night with your mom, have at it. I don't need to know.