Everything on this site will always be free. I did not do this to make money. If you have read Welcome To The Machine in it's entirety, you will already have a pretty good idea why I have written it.
Some things are more important than money. Some things are more important than a single life.
The best thing you can do for me is the same thing that I think is the best thing for everyone; that is to help everyone see the evidence. Perhaps it's the optimist in me, but I assert that once that is accomplished, the problem, all problems will take care of themselves. I've seen glimpses of a truly free market in my research. It is a beautiful thing; beyond the imagination of most, and beyond the experience of all.
Having said that, if you appreciate my efforts, and are so inclined, consider this to be my hat on the sidewalk. The music will continue to be played for as long as I can play it. Tips would extend that time (like a... vibrating bed?). If it turns out I can make a living doing research of this nature, I have many digs I want to take a shovel to.
No matter what happens though, even if I have to sit on the street corner and steal wifi from Starbucks, charge my laptop in the bathroom at Wallmart, and give handjobs behind Safeway for a Happy Meal, I will get all of Part 2 and Part 3 out. After that, we'll see how it goes.
Tip Jar
Welcome to the Machine @Slyver
Note: I'm still trying to figure out how to actually buy and/or use and/or store crypto in a reasonably secure, but not ridiculously convoluted way. The tutorials seem to be either not secure (relying on entities I very much do not like), or assume you already completely understand the whole system. When I figure it out how to do what I need to do, I'll put something here.